The Valve Index, meanwhile, has an even higher resolution. Dual 3.5-inch 1,440-by-1,600-pixel AMOLED screens drive its display system, for an effective resolution of 2,880 by 1,600 pixels. And both use OLED screens for rich blacks and vivid colors, just like Samsung's high-end phones and tablets. The Vive and Rift have rather similar core specs, and as a result, have similar minimum hardware demands.īoth have an effective resolution of 2,160 by 1,200 pixels (that is, 1,080 by 1,200 pixels per eye) and a refresh rate of 90Hz. Spoiler alert, though, in case the headline wasn't a big enough clue: The graphics card matters.
Super finder xt supporters edition how to#
Here's how to assess what you need to use them. The Oculus and HTC HMDs require a fairly powerful PC to create lush environments right in front of your eyes.
Super finder xt supporters edition windows#
Those who want their virtual reality to look a little more, well, "real" will be more interested in today's powerful mainstream VR headsets, or head-mounted displays (HMDs)-the Oculus Rift (and the Oculus Rift S), the HTC Vive, the HTC Vive Pro, and the Valve Index-as well as the 'tweener category of Windows Mixed Reality headsets. It's tough to feel truly immersed in a virtual world when you're staring at a grainy screen, blocky text, and distant mountains that look pixelated. And even since then, today's smartphone graphics chips aren't quite up to the task of rendering complex 3D worlds with high-resolution textures in a way that passes muster up that close. These were impressive early attempts at "cheap VR," but the screens on most smartphones just don't pack enough pixels to deliver a sharp image a few inches from your eyeballs.